Watch the video for instructions, or read them on this document here.
Watch the video below to remind yourself what happened when you put ice on carpet and tin foil at the same time.
Homework Instructions
Go to this link if you want to print the worksheet of the instructions below:
Your homework is to answer all the questions below and do the experiment. You can watch an explanation video of the homework here, or just read the instructions below. There are lots of forms that I will accept your completed work. Choose one of them.
- Use Flipgrid to make a video using this link.
- Answer all the questions in the video. Login using Google or use the same password that is used for your student corner if needed.
- Print out this worksheet and turn it in at Lorin eden
- As an alternative can just take a picture of the worksheet and send it to me in an email
- You can just write the numbers of each question on a piece of paper or in an email and send that to me, or turn it in.
- If you know how, you can make a copy of this document and type in the answers
- Send me an email if you are having trouble or have any questions!
You have already observed ice melting on a carpet and on tin foil, and we saw that it melted faster on tin foil than on the carpet (6th grader Veyah recorded a fantastic sped up video of that happening which you can watch here). Now it’s time for you to do your own experiment to help you understand why that happened. We’re going to go through the cycle of scientific inquiry to do our experiment.
- Observing What did you observe during the last experiment when you put ice on carpet and tin foil at the same time?
When I put ice on carpet and tin foil at the same time I observed… _______________________
- Questioning What do you wonder after the last experiment?
I wonder wonder why… ________________________________________________________
- Investigative question Can your question lead to an experiment where you find out the answer? If not can you turn your question into an investigable question? Watch this part of the instruction video for a reminder and example of what makes a question investigable.
My investigable question is… ______________________________________________
- Hypothesizing What do you think the answer to your investigable question is?
I think that when I do _______________________________________________ that _______
____________________ will happen.
- Experimenting This is the fun part where you do the experiment!
- Collecting Data Say or show what happened during your experiment. If you want you can take pictures or make a video like Veyah did
During my experiment… ________________________________________________________
- Analyzing Why do you think you go the results that you observed in your experiment?
I think that _________________________________________________ happened in my
experiment because ___________________________________________________________
- New Questions Now that you’ve done your experiment, and thought about why it happened, what new questions do you have?
I wonder…____________________________________________________________________
Optional: Do another experiment to figure out the answer to your latest question!
This lesson is a follow up to the previous lesson that you can see here: